Antiques trending in 2023
Posted by FRANK P

We at Pine Street antique Gallery believe that 2023 will be a big year for the Art-Deco movement and, Mid-Century Modern furnishings. Seems that both movements started bringing higher prices in late 2022. Millenials are beginning to appreciate things that last. we have many of these furnishings available here in the showroom. Keep your eyes on the early gaming systems as well. Now that anything in the 1970s is officially an antique, I see collectors scooping these systems and their game cartridges up quickly. Most will want complete systems as they bring higher prices. Old Metal, Rustic and Farmhouse Items are bringing good returns. These are our bread & butter items. Old cast Iron and repurpose items are doing well, and we have many to choose from. Remember we are the largest antique store in a few hundred miles with two floors of museum quality items. We are continually looking to buy new and different types of antiques. So please, reach out to us if you are looking to sell items. Reminder, please check out our Facebook page as we continually update our merchandise. We can be reached at our shop number which is 518-921-4195 or shop cell with owner James Keneston at 518-844-2748 Thanks for taking the time to read our first Blog!